If finances have not been your strongest suit, now is the time to change that attitude. You can use this time to bring your finances in order. Record all the income and expenditure in your books and maintain a record that can be revisited. This could be the perfect jumpstart for you to work on those financial goals and get your Savings up several notches. You could either consult your financial planner to help you with this activity or you can do it yourself. Consider this as the ideal time for you to save up as more than half your expenses have been reduced with you spending time at home.
A good financial plan could also help you save enough for a trip somewhere down the year. As an InterMiles member we offer you a plethora of options to save on your holiday planning including flying you to any destination in the world by redeeming your InterMiles. You can also book flights across 250+ airlines to over 8000 destinations and earn InterMiles on flights booked for yourself and your loved ones. Plus book your hotel stays on our hotels platform and earn miles on them! You can redeem these miles for free flights, hotel stays, fuel and over 2500+ merchandise options.