Terms and Conditions for Business Rewards+ Programme:
1. By being part of the Business Rewards+, the Business is consenting to be governed by the Terms and Conditions of the Business Rewards+ and the terms and conditions for usage of the Corporate Co-brand Credit Card offered by the Banking Partner
2. Primary Contact, Administrator and Employees have to be members of the InterMiles Programme to earn InterMiles
3. An individual can be a Primary Contact only for one Business Account
4. An individual can be an Administrator only for one Business Account
5. The Business will be responsible to maintain the confidentiality of its own Business Account
6. The InterMiles Member will be responsible to maintain the confidentiality of his / her own InterMiles account
7. It is the responsibility of the Business to advise the Banking Partner of any changes to the Name of the Business, Address, Primary Contact, Administrator and Card Employees
8. It is the responsibility of the InterMiles member to advise the InterMiles Service Centre of any changes in his / her name, address or preferences in writing. Members may also update their address and preference details directly online by logging in at intermiles.com. Name changes, however, cannot be made online. Name change requests can only be made, if a written request is sent to the InterMiles Service Centre, duly signed by the member. Requests for changes in name should be accompanied by supporting legal documentation, as may be specified at the time of making the name change request
9. An Employee must not to give your InterMiles Membership Account number/details, User Login ID and password to anyone
10. A Business must not give Business Account number/details, User Login ID and password to anyone except Primary Account and Administrator
11. The InterMiles Member agrees to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password
12. The Business agrees to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under its account or password
13. The InterMiles Member and Business must take all necessary steps to ensure that the InterMiles membership account number/details, User Log-in ID and password and Business Account number/details, User Log-in ID and password are kept confidential and secure and should inform InterMiles Service Centre immediately if there is any reason to believe that the same have become known to anyone else, or if the password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorized manner
14. InterMiles Member and Business absolve InterMiles, Jet Privilege Private Limited and the Banking Partner from any loss occurred on account of misuse of the Business Account of the InterMiles Membership Account
15. Changes to Rebate Program
15.1. JPPL InterMiles programme and the Banking Partner reserve the right at all times to make any changes to these Terms and Conditions , including but not limited to:
15.1.1. JPPL InterMiles programme and American Express reserve the right at all times to make any changes to these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to:the Qualifying Spends Slab and corresponding Rebate Value in form of InterMiles percentage amount of Rebates accrual;
15.1.2. Qualifying Spend; and
15.1.3. changes by JPPL InterMiles and the Banking Partner to the timing, method of calculation, and form of payment of Rebates.
15.2. JPPL, InterMiles and Banking Partner will advise Business of any changes to these Terms and Conditions in a manner determined by them, but will not be liable in any way for any failure to do so
15.3. Without limiting the above clause in any way, a Business will be taken to have received notice of any changes to these Terms and Conditions if JPPL, InterMiles or the Banking Partner notifies the Business of the change by any method, including but not limited to by providing notice to the address provided by the Business to InterMiles or the Banking Partner and/or by posting details of the changes on the InterMiles or the Banking Partner's website
16. Breach of Terms and Conditions
16.1. Any breach of these Terms and Conditions or the terms and conditions of Banking Partner governing use of Co-brand Cards by a Business or Cardmember, whether intentional or otherwise, may result in suspension or termination of Rebates without liability at the discretion of JPPL, InterMiles and Banking Partner
16.2. JPPL, InterMiles and Banking Partner reserve the right to reverse or cancel any Rebates credited to a Business incorrectly, not in accordance with, or in breach of these Terms and Conditions at any time without liability
17. Business and Cardmember Obligations
18. A Business or Cardmember must not:
18.1. abuse any benefits, facilities, services or arrangements accorded to the Client or Cardmember by JPPLInterMiles or Banking Partner;
18.2. act in any way which is likely to be detrimental to the interests of JPPL, InterMiles, Banking Partner or;
18.3. supply or attempt to supply misleading information, or make any misrepresentation to JPPL, InterMiles, Banking Partner; or
18.4. act in any way which in JPPL, InterMiles or Banking Partner’s reasonable opinion breaches or is likely to breach these Terms and Conditions or is inconsistent with the intent of these Terms and Conditions
19. Business and Cardmembers must comply with these Terms and Conditions, and the terms and conditions of Banking Partner governing use of Corporate Co-brand Credit Cards, at all times.
20. Eligibility for InterMiles Rebates
20.1. InterMiles Rebates are provided to Business. JPPL Rebates are not provided to individual Cardmembers
20.2. This does not apply to rebates or discounts offered to Business by a travel agent or travel manager on their own behalf. InterMiles will determine finally whether a Business is ineligible for a Rebate under this clause
20.3. Travel agents are not eligible for InterMiles Rebates under these Terms and Conditions
20.4. Any claim that a Rebate has been incorrectly calculated must be received by InterMiles and Banking Partner within 3 months after the Rebate Report is issued. Failure to make a claim within that period constitutes acceptance of the Rebate and no later claim will be considered
21. Disclosure of Information
21.1. It is a condition of the Rebate scheme that Business consents and authorizes InterMiles and Banking Partner to exchange and use information regarding their Accounts and the use of Co-brand Cards issued on their Accounts for the purposes of
21.1.1. calculating eligibility for and providing Rebates;
21.1.2. research, marketing, product development and planning;
21.1.3. marketing their products or services or the products or services of their related bodies corporate; and
21.1.4. any third party providing services to InterMiles or Banking Partner in connection with the administration of Rebates or Co-brand Cards
21.2. This information may be transferred to or from India for these purposes. If the Business does not provide all or any part of the requested information, the services provided by InterMiles or Banking Partner may be affected
21.3. Only the authorized representative/s of the Business named on the Account will be entitled to access Account information. Each Cardmember will be entitled to access information about the Co brand Card issued to him or her, but not information about Rebates. However, InterMiles and Banking Partner do comply with validly served and executed court orders and subpoenas and cooperate with investigations by state and federal agencies in accordance with the respective internal policies. Under these circumstances, or where otherwise required by law, your Account information may be shared with others with or without your knowledge or consent
22. Rebates and InterMiles will not be exchanged for any other form of consideration, pooled with other Rebates, InterMiles or benefits, or issued to anyone other than the Business
23. Business Rewards Programme and the above terms and conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of India.